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Home > store > Recycled nylon tights

Recycled nylon tights


Make a sustainable fashion statement with these eco-friendly tights made from post-consumer recycled plastic bottles! Not only do they help reduce landfill waste, but the production process also requires fewer resources than virgin nylon, making them a guilt-free addition to your wardrobe. With their generous fit, these tights provide extra length and comfort to sit comfortably over your waist.

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Shipping and returns
Thought ships internationally from the UK within 3-5 business days. Returns can be made within 30 days of the receipt of your order and are free for UK orders.
Styling tips
Perfectly versatile, they can be styled with your favorite skirt or dress for a chic and effortless look. Join the sustainability movement and add these classic tights to your closet today, knowing that you're making a positive impact on the planet while looking fabulous.
Sustainability impact
Save time & money. Love your reflection in the mirror.
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