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Wooden cutlery set


Immerse yourself in the world of eco-conscious dining with our exceptional reclaimed reusable wooden cutlery sets. Handcrafted by skilled artisans in Vietnam, these sets are a true testament to craftsmanship and sustainability. Each piece is meticulously made from a single piece of upcycled ebony wood, completely eliminating the need for harmful fertilizers, pesticides, or glues. With a commitment to organic practices, these cutlery sets are a natural and eco-friendly alternative to plastic. Experience the peace of mind that comes with choosing zero waste utensils. Not only are these cutlery sets fully biodegradable, but they also embody the perfect harmony of style and sustainability. With their high-quality construction, these utensils are built to last, ensuring you can enjoy them for countless meals while reducing your environmental footprint.

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SKU: 60 Category:
Shipping and returns
At JungleCulture, they are committed to bringing you sustainable products from all corners of the world. They ship worldwide from the United Kingdom, with shipping to the US typically taking around two to three weeks and costing just $7. The store accepts returns and exchanges within 30 days of delivery. Please note that buyers are responsible for covering the cost of return shipping.
Styling tips
This portable eco cutlery set is designed to fit seamlessly into your busy lifestyle. Whether you're eating on the go at work, embarking on a camping trip, enjoying a picnic in the park, or immersing yourself in the festivities of events and festivals, these utensils are your reliable companions. They offer the perfect solution for eliminating single-use plastic utensils and embracing sustainable dining practices. The travel bag accompanying the set not only adds a touch of style, but it is also thoughtfully designed to be small, lightweight, and easy to carry. Slip it into your bag or pocket, and you'll always be prepared to enjoy your meals with eco-consciousness in mind.
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